Black Feather Blog

Black Feather Forward #7

Tracy Borup
Apr 15, 2020
Not An April Fools joke, Just A Newsletter

You'll Never Believe...
The newsletter is late because the family won the lottery, decided to take a luxury vacation, built a recording studio for the podcast, cured the Coronavirus and have retired from the world to only do the things we love in a giant mansion/cabin in the mountains! 

Too late for April Fool’s Day

I wish all that had happened but it hasn’t. The real reason the newsletter is late is because I lost track of the day. Haven’t we all felt like the meme on Facebook that reads - 2020 is an interesting Leap Year. There are 29 days in February, 300 days in March and 5 years in April. The world is a little topsy turvy and we are adjusting to it just like our faithful listeners. The big question on everyone’s mind is …………do you have enough toilet paper? We do! And no we are not hoarding or buying by the lot. We just happened to be at Costco at the right time. I bless all our Gathering of the Ages family with all the essentials you need. 

The Missing Link
We are really lucky that no one in the family has gotten sick and that we have been able to meet, record and send out the high quality content you all have come to expect from our show. Even Tyler has been able to keep coming to the house to share his vast amounts of knowledge and eccentricities. (Regardless of all the begging we do to make him stop!) If you are not sure what I mean by this, I would invite you to think about becoming a Patreon of Gathering of the Ages and find out for yourself. I am constantly amazed at the topics he chooses to discuss and the stories he has to tell during warm ups or spouted intermittently during the show. Spencer has kept these gems and other behind the scenes action from the rest of us as a special treat for our Patreon subscribers. There is even a non-mom approved section called After Dark. Suggested listening times are definitely after the little ones are tucked into bed.
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Set It To "O"
Before you tuck them into their tiny beds, snuggle up and enjoy the Disney movie “Onward”, recently released on Disney+ or Redbox. Our gaming family absolutely loved this one! Even Dad, who doesn’t game with us, got a big kick out of a certain slimy NPC! If you do game, listen and watch for all the RPG references sprinkled throughout the story. There are also fun details to be on the lookout for visually. Whether you are a gamer or not, this is a fun, adventurous, family friendly movie that we all give a two thumbs up.

Crossing The Chicken In The Road
Animals in weird get ups, tiny houses that cost hundreds of thousand of bells, treasures that fall out of the sky? All this can only mean one thing! Animal Crossing’s newest edition is out and being played by multitudes of obsessed video gamers. The competition is ON in our house to see who can build the best houses, villages, gardens and campgrounds, get the best prizes and clothes and visit the most friends. I have seen some goofy outfits, like Tyler’s ninja mask paired with white “feety” pajamas. Emily’s lovely places to relax on the beach and crochet with supplies from a sewing basket. I enjoy the jealousy I see over golden watering cans and 5 star ratings.

But I really love the sharing that this game invites it’s players to participate in. Poor Spencer is waiting for all the hubbub to die down so he can purchase a Switch and play the game for himself. People are charging a ridiculous amount on Ebay at the moment. Here is one example. In the meantime, the other players collect eggs for Bunny Day, and build things for their village. Tyler, Emily and Zachary like to show me the things they have gifted each other just as much as the items they have received or crafted for themselves. I am not a video game player, but if I was, I think I would play this phenomenon called Animal Crossing.
Spencer's Creeper Photos
Spencer jumped on Zachary's account and took some creeper photos on Emily's island. 
He is calling it the "Creeper Series".
Other Animal Crossing Adventures

Spring Into Hope
To wrap up this month’s newsletter, I would like to end on a hopeful note. My husband got our flower beds cleaned up from the winter yuckiness that had settled. Much to my delight, the first of the flowers began to bloom. There are now daffodils, hydrangeas and tulips brightening up our front yard. Soon the iris will grow from the multitude of bulbs my mother-in-law planted a few years ago. I love to come home to a new flower or burst of green that greets me on my way to the front door. Spring has arrived again. Just like it does every year. We may all face new challenges and bumps in the road but life continues and if we can look around and open our eyes. We might see the small or great wonders that await us. Thank you for continuing to listen to our podcast. We hope it can bring you at least a little of the joy it brings us.

We sincerly hope you are all staying safe and healthy in this crazy time! Until next month Black Feather Flock!
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