Black Feather Blog

Black Feather Forward #4

Tracy Borup
Jan 02, 2020
Happy New Year!

New Year News
Wow! It’s 2020! Can you believe it? I saw a Facebook post that showed how many of our holidays are falling on Fridays or Saturdays. My birthday is even on a Friday! Can you repeat after me? Year of Tracy, Year of Tracy, Year of Tracy!!! But alas, I do have to share the spotlight with those whackadoos who create a stunning and brilliant podcast for you. (Or are you all brilliantly stunned by our podcast?)

So… hold onto your axes and limbs, because we have a few surprises in store for you!

Recall Before The Fall
In our third season the Black Feather Few have done so much in the "haunted" Shudderwood Forest. After investigating the happenings at the Ascanor Lodge, and learning that more nefarious plots have been happening within its very walls, they set off to explore the long lost and forgotten temple of Desna known as The Stairs of The Moon. It has been a nonstop battle between them and many ferocious werewolves. 

In our last episode our party had a grueling encounter with a few of these beasties, and one of their own fell unconsious, exhausted from the battles they had before them. 

In our most recent episode, Episode 116: The Werewolf Bit My Finger, we find out what happens to our adventurers after they try to recover, and as they further explore the mysterious temple. 

Toot Your Resolute
We don’t make new year resolutions at our house. We just set goals all year long and sometimes we actually accomplish them. For several years now, our biggest and most obnoxious goal has been to clean out our garage. As many of you know, a garage is an area attached or detached from your living quarters where cars are parked for safekeeping and storage. I think we used a garage for that purpose once in our married life for about 3 months. We tend to dump items in there that are on their way to recycling, on their way to the dump or on their way to participate in a fantasy we call “The Garage Sale”. I’m sure someone wants that bear bedspread and matching lamp from our son’s bedroom. How about a Slice cutting machine? Those are discontinued now. 

Spencer and I have decided to set a resolution to bring back……drum roll please……. Behind the Curtain. We are planning on recapping each episode but also have decided to add some spice to our Golorian stew. We might be rating new card and board games. We may do some movie or tv show reviews. How about some sharing of favorite cast hobbies outside of Pathfinder? Maybe we’ll share some more about the personal lives of our cast members

Let us know what you would like us to chat about and we will think about it and do what we want anyway. Just joshing ya! We love hearing from you and want to make all your dreams and wishes come true (In terms of podcast listening only). While you’re at it, let us know about the New Year resolutions you are making and breaking. We may just share them on air.

Continuing The Talk About Traditions
We in the Borup clan love our traditions. As a family, we enjoy spending New Years Eve watching movies and eating plenty of snacks, and when the clock strikes midnight you better believe we break out that bubbly… sparkling cider! Emily likes to see how much of one bottle she can drink, by herself, before everyone else in the family expresses their anger that the cider is suddenly gone. We always start the new year by watching the glorious New Years Day Tournament of Roses Parade and eating cinnamon rolls and oranges. What fun things do you and yours do to celebrate the start of a new year?

Paying It Backward
The time has arrived and the moment you have all been waiting for is finally here at last! Our Patreon page will be up on February 1st. Please wipe those tears from your eyes and simmer down so you can read the rest of this amazing announcement. 

The Reign of Winter adventure path will be snow packed with spine chilling, freezing terror in a blizzard of supernatural wickedness. Grab your winter gear and a hot cocoa and settle in for a storm of fun in our new show: Once Upon A Winter.

Trust me you do NOT want to miss this all new show. Our GM will be the Particularly Pleasant Philip. Pleasant for you, but perilous for us! Zach’s character may or may not be as powerful as Parod. How does Spencer adjust to just being a lowly player? Can Tracy’s character be any more beautiful than Artrilla? Will Tyler’s antics make you choke on your goobers or squirt kool-aid out of your nose? 

We need your help to reach this point! Your generous donations will pave the way for us to host this brand new show. When we reach our first goal we will start uploading brand new episodes of a brand new show that will be available to everyone that listens to us!

If glory and fame is all you seek, $1 a month will get your name posted to the very first page on our incredible updated website. Is your mouth watering for more delicious treats and morsels of goodness? If you desire even more, the higher teirs will unlock deleted scenes (that are not Mom approved), as well as the opportunity to name an NPC or monster, and even get a video call with some of the cast! Every tier will receive early access to every single piece of content we ever produce in the future.

Grab your napkin and wipe the drool off your chin and stayed tuned to the newsletter, website, Twitter and Facebook for more juicy details.

Until Next Month
We here at the Gathering Of The Ages Podcast just want to with you a very happy and successful New Year. What are you most excited for in the future of our podcast? Is it the return of Behind The Curtain? Is it the start of a new adventure in our new Patreon show?

What resolutions and goals have you set for your new year? What games are you going to be playing? Will you be starting a new campaign or continuing one you have been running?

We love to hear from you guys, so let us know. You can respond directly to this email, or send us an email at

Until next time, Black Feather Following, may your New Year be a critical success! Happy 2020!
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