Black Feather Blog

Artrilla's Journal 38

Tracy Borup
Mar 30, 2018

5th of Gozran
Episodes 48 & 49

Our day started out as a light hearted shopping trip in which Siris purchased lovely blue and silver robes. I myself would have loved to purchase several of the stunning garments that were displayed among the quaint shops, I have decided to wait until I have more gold in my pockets.

To that end we returned several books to the University professor. He proved to be mostly useless and lacked any kind of knowledge that might help avenge my dearest Mentor. He did inform us however that we were to collect the promised funds from the Judge, whom we were to deliver the last and most mysterious book.

When we returned the book to the Judge she did not treat me with the respect my fame usually brings. I attempted to charm her with my close connection to Professor Lorimore but her heart is as hard as a diamond and no amount of coaxing would get her to tell us why the Professor had borrowed the locked book and what knowledge was contained within it's pages. Constance has been conscripted into my service and promises to see if she can discover what secrets lie in the written words.

I fear my fame and the daring deeds of the rest of the Black Feathered Few has proceeded us. I am sure that my heroism and the assistance of Parod, Siris and Little Min is being rumored far and wide, gladdening the spirits of those who have no where else to turn to for help. To place an exclamation point on that proclamation, the Judge has asked us to assist in the defense of a beast that has been captured and is currently on trial. She feels there has been a rush to judgment and the true culprit has yet to be caught. If that is true, then the heinous deeds being perpetrated on the town and the surrounding villages will continue unchecked.

After meeting the poor devilish quilt of anatomy, we are swayed to believe the Judge. Little Min, in a misguided attempt at kindness, has named him Grug, I fear the ineptitude and prejudices we experienced in Ravengro will once again show themselves as assuredly as cockroaches return to a dung heap. 
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